Wednesday 29 April 2009

Mod Pictures online

was googling yoyo and found some Mod pictures.
and think that this 2 are pretty good mods.

hubstack mod. seems like a better choice than the Synergy caps, if u do it right.
looks more stable. no vibration for sure cause the hubstack 'pole' is actually the nipple, but if u don't do it right, then you got to duel with the wobbling.

when i saw this, i thought, this have got to be one of the best upgrade kit possible.
but only on old school yoyos, does not fit all wing shape yoyos for sure.

got a lathe machine? planning to give an attempt?
i would love the 2nd mod.


  1. So who makes that mod? I linked you over at YYG and it generated some interest. Thanks!

    Tom a.k.a. oldyoyoguy

  2. have no idea. was googling pictures and found this. some japanese i guess, definitely not s.kon as its not on his site.

  3. That is awesome!I'm going to take a stab at this in the near future
