Thursday, 20 January 2011

Aoda undersized yoyo

was visiting YoYoSkills and it reminds me of something i've been wanting to share but kept forgetting.
the Aoda undersized yoyo, i don't know its name yet though...
pictures first...
 its the same size as Pixy fro Dream-Yo. I've never touch a Tarasque so i'm not sure if its the same size, but i was told it is. and its shape and design sure reminds me of the General-Yo Mini Star.
even Aoda's logo looks like the 5Star logo but thats just plain coincident, thats not something Aoda copied. one thing i have to say about this yoyo is, it plays. most mini yoyos kinda throw outwards, and hardly really playable, this one however, plays wonderful, it handles trick like a normal sized yoyo.

1 comment:

  1. its called the littles and you can buy one from euro yo
